Real solutions
for unreal challenges
Real solutions
for unreal challenges
We provides a wide range of Audio Visual professional services, including: consulting, designing multimedia, command & control systems, product development and complex integrations.
We provides a wide range of Audio Visual professional services, including: consulting, designing multimedia, command & control systems, product development and complex integrations.

Museums & Visitor centers, System Design
Terra Sancta Museum, Jerusalem
The Monastery of the Flagellation located in the Old City of Jerusalem, which draws thousands of pilgrims every year, has seen the design and installation of a multimedia project, featuring the projection of a video mapping onto a three-dimensional topographic model of Jerusalem, with surround-sound.
The work on this complex multinational project entailed consulting to the German multimedia company TAMSCHICK MEDIA + SPACE, while also addressing the needs of the Italian architect, and of the client: the Franciscan Order. The project included designing the audio-video systems, and integrating it with the lighting systems, as well as project management and on-site coordination between the German creative and sound people and the Israeli construction companies.
* Media Credit: Tamschick Media+Space