Real solutions
for unreal challenges
Real solutions
for unreal challenges
We provides a wide range of Audio Visual professional services, including: consulting, designing multimedia, command & control systems, product development and complex integrations.
We provides a wide range of Audio Visual professional services, including: consulting, designing multimedia, command & control systems, product development and complex integrations.

Museums & Visitor centers
SNC - Start-Up Nation Central
Start-up Nation Central is a non-profit organization dedicated to exposing Israeli innovation to visitors from around the world. The history of Israeli innovation is on display at the organization’s visitor center in Tel Aviv.
AV Magic, in collaboration with Breeze Creative, designed the multimedia technologies at the center, including a dynamic wall of screens showing motion-activated content, an animated display showing an “elevator pitch”, a transparent screen showing success stories, Virtual Reality (VR) glasses connected to the organization's database, and Augmented Reality (AR) books and touch screens for personal research.
* Pic Credit: Breeze Creative.
Client: Breeze Creative